So a lot has happened since my last entry. Mainly I have had some major health issues and seem to be on the recovery side of them most days. Basically I have no idea what is wrong. I have had more tests than I can count, seen several different specialist and no one ever could give me an answer. I lost the ability to walk or have had days where it is very difficult and then a couple weeks later I am fine. I have had migraines that were completely debilitating causing me to not be able to have any light, making me so dizzy and nauseated I would throw up and at one point they were happening every week for a few days. I have been so fatigued that I feel like moving an arm or leg is like trying to lift 1000 pounds. I have had such bad limb pain that I can't stand to move. I have had extremities go completely numb. My peripheral vision and depth perception was getting worse. The doctors were not giving me answers or a cure and I was (still am) frustrated. Finally they just started assuming it was all in my head and I was crazy (awesome). The last neurologist appointment I went to he recommended I start seeing a psychiatrist and take anti-depressants to lower my anxiety. It has been a frustrating year medically speaking. I tried all types of all natural diet changes. I ate more beef (thinking I was anemic), I started drinking raw milk (thinking I was missing some enzymes), I tried fermenting my own food (thinking I needed more probiotics, and adding a variety of vitamin supplements. I tried migraine medicine (caused me to have a mini stroke!). After ending up loosing my ability to speak and in the ER with my last migraine pill I refused to take any more medicine. My doctor said "what do you want me to do if you won't take medicine?" I answered that I wanted to understand what was wrong. Why is my body giving up on me?
I gave up on medicine! I read a lot of books during this whole ordeal and one really jumped out at me. It talked about inflammation in the body and I definitely have an issue with that!
The book was called "Eat to Live"by Joel Furhman and I have been following the diet outlined as well as eating gluten and dairy free 95% of the time and I have not had a migraine since and have had very few symptom days. The days I have had symptoms they are much less intense than they were. I can live my life again! Hooray!! You will notice from now on my posts and recipes will be mostly vegan (with the exception of fish) They will still be gluten and dairy free :) I fell off the wagon and got sicker than I already was becoming. It turns out my body just doesn't do well with any type of animal protein. I wish I could explain why or understood it but that just seems to be the case.
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